My client M has lost 24lbs in our 9 months together. She is at her goal weight. It’s done!

And yet…it’s not about the scale for her.

She came to me wanting to lose nearly 25lbs, to stop eating too much at meals, and to learn how to listen to her satisfaction levels.

She wanted to be better at feeling her feelings and not eating them, to let go of that extra weight of mental energy around food, and to feel good in her clothes.

Ultimately, though, she wanted to stop believing she was letting her Future Self down and doing her a disservice.

She told me, “Weight loss feels like the elusive R line”.

She had created so many amazing results (what she means by R line) in her life, but losing weight felt like the ultimate impossibility.

After just 9 months of working together in my 1:1 coaching program, taking action with simple tools like the 3 super simple steps, AND doing the mindset work…

Continue reading “She’s nearly 25 lbs down…AND HIT HER GOAL WEIGHT!”

It’s not just about the weight loss for us.

It’s more than just a number on the scale.

You want to feel better. Mentally and physically.

You want to stop obsessing about food, your weight, and your body. And you want to save time. One hundred and sixty-eight hours to be exact.

I used to spend hours a week obsessing about food, the number on the scale, my body, how my clothes fit.

If my weight went up, I’d obsess about everything I did wrong and what a failure I am.

If my weight went down, I’d obsess about everything I ate and made sure I stayed in restriction mode for fear the number wouldn’t stay down.

That’s a lot of time I didn’t even realize I was wasting until I stopped obsessing.

One hundred and sixty-eight hours is the amount of time you could save in just one year. (And that’s just the minimum calculation!)

Continue reading “What Would You Do With An Extra 168 Hours?”

You want to lose 20lbs. You look to your past and think, “I’ve done it before, I can do it again.”

Even though you ended up gaining the weight back that you lost, you think you shouldn’t need help, you’ll just do what you did back then.

And you don’t want to look for help because you’re a Life Coach and you should “know” how to do it.

This is where we get ourselves into trouble.

How you did it in the past isn’t what’s going to work now or in the future.

It wasn’t sustainable or you would have easily kept the weight off.

But we avoid asking for help to “save” money, time, and energy (and to save face if we’re being honest with ourselves).

So instead we:
👉 look to the past,
👉 do those quick-fix diets, juice cleanses, and crazy exercise regiments we’ve done before,
👉 lose weight,
👉 stop doing those things because they were just quick-fixes,
👉 gain the weight back,
👉 go into a shame spiral, 
👉 rinse & repeat.

I have done this. My clients have done this. And maybe you’ve done this, too.

I lost 25lbs and it’s been the simplest journey I’ve ever been on.

I did it! I crossed the finish line this week!

I hit the number on the scale, the goal I set over 2 years ago.

I did not set a time limit on this goal really. I just decided to follow the process I created, work on one thing at a time, and keep it simple.

Recently, I watched a video of myself from almost 3 years ago…

Continue reading “My 25lb Weight Loss Journey”


You’re a rebel so be proud of it.

When you first decided to become a life coach you were probably that you needed to choose One Big Goal.

So if you were going to own your own business you of course need to choose building your coaching business as your One Big Goal. 

But what if at the same time you were at your highest weight ever? 

You might be a Life Coach if you love thoughts 😛.

So today, I’m sharing with you my top ten favorite thoughts to get started today.

Here’s the tea: as Life Coaches, we are honored to help others better their lives.

This means it’s part of our job to go after what makes OUR lives better.

If losing weight and stopping overeating is your TRUE DESIRE, then why would you put off that journey even one more day?

Be the Life Coach who goes after her dreams, not the Life Coach who puts her dreams off for another day, week, month, or year.

So read through these thoughts.

My mission as a Life Coach and the mission of my company, Paige Bowman Coaching:

Every Life Coach will be able to make money in their business & hit their weight loss goal: no sacrifice needed.

No Life Coach will ever have to go on building her coaching business with extra, unwanted weight anymore. 

Every Life Coach will know they can learn how to stop overeating & lose weight without losing focus in her business. 

Every Life Coach who has dreams of being a 6 figure coach will know she doesn’t have to wait to lose the weight until she reaches that goal.

She knows she can be at her goal weight and keep chugging along towards 6 figures. 

No Life Coach will ever believe that to make money as a coach she has to forsake her body and health goals. 

This is my mission. 

Watch out world. 

I changed the game in my own life and now I’m out to change the game in the coaching world.

There is an uprising for change in my country.

My world has been rocked this past week.

I felt the precipice of change within me and took a free fall jump into it, ready for whatever was on the other side.

My weight, though, wasn’t rocked.

Continue reading “Change”