It’s New Years Resolution Time!

It’s that time of year where everyone is ready to push aside the successes and failures of 2019 and set new ambitious goals for the start of a new decade.

Lose weight!

Buy a house!

Get a pay raise!

Meet the man/woman of your dreams!

As a Life Coach specializing in losing weight for good, I bask in the excitement of those ready to lose weight once and for all!

Now, you might be one of those people, excited to set your weight loss goal for 2020…

Or you might one of those people thinking: 

Continue reading “Five Tips to Set Your 2020 Weight Loss Goal”

Going from the IDEA of making a change to TAKING ACTION is the hardest part of your journey.

When I looked at my wardrobe last fall and realized how unsophisticated jeans and t-shirts were for a future counselor (turned Life Coach), I knew I HAD to make a change.

But even thinking about achieving a very “adult-like” wardrobe full of cardigans, tunics, and booties was so overwhelming I had to shut the closet door and go get on Facebook to watch cats be cats.

Starting is hard. It’s the hardest part of any journey. 

Continue reading “The Hardest Part”

I ask my clients to plan out their meals 24 hours in advance.

When they eat something that wasn’t on their plan, they went “off plan”.

It’s dinner time and you planned for chicken thighs and broccoli.

It’s been a long day of working on your business, you’re tired and definitely don’t feel like cooking. So you decide to eat cookies and popcorn instead. 

You went “off plan”.

And now the guilt, shame, and frustration set in.

Continue reading “Be a Scientist”

I am currently in a 24 hour challenge…don’t complain for 24 hours! Let’s be honest, it’s been kind of tough. I mean there were a lot of things to complain about today: the weather, waiting on people at the drive-thru, people in general, my spouse, my puppy, being hungry, slow scenes in a movie, being tired, not enough time, and the list goes on. 

But the challenge isn’t even over and I’m so pumped to share what I’ve learned! There are three steps to making the most out of this 24 hour challenge and I share them below because THIS my friends, is the kind of work I LIVE for.

Continue reading “Stop Complaining”

I love Life Coaching! Whether I’m coaching, watching peer coaching, or being coached, I’m in Heaven. In case you wonder to yourself what coaching is or how Life Coaching can be used, I summed up a recent day full of all things coaching. Enjoy!

Get Out of Your Way

One person needed help with learning how to believe she IS a Life Coach without looking for or needing some type of outside proof. By believing she had to wait for outside proof she was GETTING IN HER OWN WAY of doing amazing work for herself and others. Once she stopped looking outside of her brain, she gave herself the opportunity to look at her own thoughts and beliefs. She realized that by NOT believing she was hindering herself from growing and serving even more. And by deciding to BELIEVE in herself, she became much more open to taking massive action in growing her business and serving her clients. 

Continue reading “Snippets of Coaching”