Month: October 2019
Going from the IDEA of making a change to TAKING ACTION is the hardest part of your journey.
When I looked at my wardrobe last fall and realized how unsophisticated jeans and t-shirts were for a future counselor (turned Life Coach), I knew I HAD to make a change.
Starting is hard. It’s the hardest part of any journey.
I lost 10lbs… and kept it off for a year.
Each day is another piece of evidence, proof, that I’ve done it. I’ve figured it out.
For the longest time I told myself I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t figure it out, I had no control.
I ask my clients to plan out their meals 24 hours in advance.
When they eat something that wasn’t on their plan, they went “off plan”.
It’s dinner time and you planned for chicken thighs and broccoli.
It’s been a long day of working on your business, you’re tired and definitely don’t feel like cooking. So you decide to eat cookies and popcorn instead.
You went “off plan”.
And now the guilt, shame, and frustration set in.