Rocket Ships and Procrastinating

In the podcast series, The One Thing (Episode 175), Geoff Woods discusses the idea that rocket ships use 70% of their fuel in the first 2 minutes of taking off.  The rocket ship has to use that much effort to even get started in order to overcome gravity.  This one fact had me thinking about the idea of getting started and what rocket ships have to do with procrastinating…

Ok, so rocket ships don’t have anything to do with procrastinating, BUT, do YOU struggle with getting started?  Or do you fall on the other side of the problem and get started on too many things and never finish?  I would argue that both problems could be caused by the need to “overcome gravity” when we first start something.

No wonder we procrastinate!  If it takes 70% of our brain fuel, let’s say, to get something started, then that means your brain is doing a ton of work in the very beginning of a project.  And no wonder we don’t finish things!  We’ve used most of our brain power in the beginning!  We’re worn out from the first 2 minutes of take off (metaphorically, obviously).

Survival Is Getting In The Way

Here’s the kicker: your brain is well aware of this 70% idea.  Your brain was designed to run a software program called Survival.  That means that it will do anything in its power to keep you safe at all times, and to do that, it will make sure you avoid danger, use as little energy as possible, and seek pleasure.  That middle one, use as little energy as possible, is what gets us in trouble when it comes to getting started.

So, if your brain knows it’s going to need to use a ton of fuel to get started on this project and that it’s designed to keep you from using energy as much possible, then what do you think the brain will do?  Well, what my brain does it remind me of how nice and cozy my recliner is, and how easy it is to turn on Netflix, or how much better of an idea it would be to eat some chips.  That brain is sneaky, I tell ya!

Or maybe your brain argues with you even further about why it’s not a good idea to start this project.  It might give you all the reasons why it’s just not necessary, or you just don’t have the time, or you really just don’t know how.

If you need to get started on something you really want to do, then wouldn’t it be helpful if we learned how to get our brains on board quicker and easier than ever before?

Decide and Don’t Look Back

Let’s start getting better at starting by doing this one thing: decide and don’t look back.

Decide you’re going to do this project and don’t look back.  Don’t question the decision you’ve made.  Make it non-negotiable.  And don’t even think about saying “well, I can’t really decide yet because…”.  Give yourself one hour to do the thinking and considering and then decide.

Seriously, think about the effort you’re saving yourself just by knowing that you are going to do this project.  You’re no longer using brain power thinking about maybe, possibly doing it.  You’re no longer using brain power to consider when you might if you do decide to.  You’re now using your brain power FOR that project, for that trip through space.

How much easier would it be to complete your project if getting started was a no-brainer?

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