It Hasn’t Gotten Easier

And that’s ok.  If it were easy, then the reward wouldn’t be as amazing.  Plus, I’m learning that I can do hard things so all is well.

One thing I’ve learned in the last four months is that your belief in something is more important than learning how to do it.  It’s so powerful when you believe that you can make something happen even before you figure out how, in spite of the how.  When you believe you’ll do it, then you’ll figure out the how along the way.  The reward of creating that belief will pay off so much more than someone handing you instructions on how to reach your goal and you just following along.  I’m less reliant on the how of achieving my goal than I was when I first started this journey.  This quarter I’m working on believing more than anything else and it’s mind blowing.

Continue reading “Impossible Goal Update”

Have you ever wanted to believe something different than you do right now? A better question might be: have you ever wanted to do something different in your life? To do something we have to think in a way that gets us in action. If you want to do something different, then you need to think differently. If you want to do something impossible, you have to choose to believe the impossible is possible. I call this believing on purpose.

Continue reading “How to Believe on Purpose”

Rocket Ships and Procrastinating

In the podcast series, The One Thing (Episode 175), Geoff Woods discusses the idea that rocket ships use 70% of their fuel in the first 2 minutes of taking off.  The rocket ship has to use that much effort to even get started in order to overcome gravity.  This one fact had me thinking about the idea of getting started and what rocket ships have to do with procrastinating…

Continue reading “Getting Started”

So far in the impossible goal series I’ve discussed with you, dear reader, the idea that your thoughts create the results you have in your life.  The way you think causes you to feel a certain way which drives your actions and the actions you take create your results.  The thought patterns and beliefs you think on a daily basis are creating the effects you enjoy (or not enjoy) now.  We think a certain way now which get us the results we have now.  To get different results, to create something impossible in our lives, we have to think different thoughts.  In this article I’m going to give you (of no charge!) three thoughts people on the other side of success choose to think and believe on a daily basis. 

not being ready.

feeling terrible.

the fact that it’s probably not going to be perfect.

not feeling like it.

having had a long day at work.

all the other things that need to get done.

the fact that no one else but you would know.

the possibility that you’ll fail.

the fear that comes along with taking action.

not knowing what to do first.

feeling overwhelmed by it all.

all the reasons you tell yourself not to.

all the reasons the world tells you not to.

Just do it.

Take action.

This is the perfect article to write as this first quarter of the year draws to an end.  Many people, leaders, businesses, companies, and anyone who has set a year long goal are most likely going to take time to review their gains and losses over the past quarter and see how they match up to their goal so far.  

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What do feelings have to do with achieving an impossible goal?  Is this going to be a mushy gushy article?  I really don’t want to read about feelings so I think I’ll pass on this one…WAIT!  Don’t go yet!  This is definitely not going to be mushy gushy and I promise this will definitely help you in your journey to achieving the impossible.  Let me explain…

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In this article I’m going to give you three ways to become more successful just by thinking.  We usually want to know what actions it will take to get something done.  That might work for a little while, but it won’t work for massive goals like trying to do the impossible.  Dr. Schwartz wrote an entire book on thinking.  Not surprisingly, he titled it “The Magic of Thinking Big”.  He believed thinking was the key to creating the success you want in your life.  We all want success right?  Why do some get it and some don’t?  He would argue it’s because of the way they think.  Not because of how hard they do or don’t work, age, health, or even intelligence.  One of my favorite quotes in the book drove this idea home for me: “The thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how much intelligence you may have.”  It wasn’t until I learned how to harness my intelligence by the way that I think that I really saw some amazing results in my life.  

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