This is the perfect article to write as this first quarter of the year draws to an end.  Many people, leaders, businesses, companies, and anyone who has set a year long goal are most likely going to take time to review their gains and losses over the past quarter and see how they match up to their goal so far.  

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What do feelings have to do with achieving an impossible goal?  Is this going to be a mushy gushy article?  I really don’t want to read about feelings so I think I’ll pass on this one…WAIT!  Don’t go yet!  This is definitely not going to be mushy gushy and I promise this will definitely help you in your journey to achieving the impossible.  Let me explain…

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In this article I’m going to give you three ways to become more successful just by thinking.  We usually want to know what actions it will take to get something done.  That might work for a little while, but it won’t work for massive goals like trying to do the impossible.  Dr. Schwartz wrote an entire book on thinking.  Not surprisingly, he titled it “The Magic of Thinking Big”.  He believed thinking was the key to creating the success you want in your life.  We all want success right?  Why do some get it and some don’t?  He would argue it’s because of the way they think.  Not because of how hard they do or don’t work, age, health, or even intelligence.  One of my favorite quotes in the book drove this idea home for me: “The thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how much intelligence you may have.”  It wasn’t until I learned how to harness my intelligence by the way that I think that I really saw some amazing results in my life.  

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I’ll keep this one short and simple.  Here are a few lessons I have personally learned on this journey of achieving an impossible goal.  Many of these may sound like I found them in a motivational or personal development book, and you may be able to find these in many books, but I assure you I have found these to be true for me even in just this first quarter of the year.  

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I guess before I tell you to stop overeating, I should explain why I’m writing this and what this has to do with you.  In my own terms, overeating is eating past the point of being full or eating when you’re not hungry.  There are many reasons why we might overeat, and in this article, I’ll dive deeper into why we overeat and why you might consider stopping.  I will not be going into depth with medical diagnoses.  Here, you’ll find information to manage your mind.  Please see your doctor for medical questions or concerns.  Now on to the fun brain stuff!!!

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We’ve talked about the possible before.  I’ve used it in comparison form to discuss the impossibility of things.  Today I want to dive deeper into what is possible and how you can create your own possibilities to achieve whatever it is you want to do.  Even the i m p o s s i b l e…

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In a previous article I talked about how much I love the question why (see article: Stop Procrastinating).  I’ve been told in the past to shy away from the question, but no more!  In fact, this entire article is based on that very question.  Why do you do the things you do?  Why do you want to do the things you want to do? We’ve covered the impossible.  We discussed how to choose the impossible goal you’re going to go after.  We even discussed what failing has to do with achieving success.  But then I realized I was missing a crucial component to doing the impossible.  I failed you dear readers! You’ve got to figure out your WHY, your c o m p e l l i n g reason.

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Failure Is…

A form of measurement.  As is success.  One means you did not meet your expectation and one means you did.

You set out to run one mile this afternoon.  If you ran one mile then you succeeded.  If you did not run one mile then you failed.  Simple.

There are two types of failure.  Escape failure and epic failure.

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Well Not Yet Anyway…

I’d like to address a topic a lot of us are familiar with: procrastinating.  We push the inevitable and uncomfortable to the future for some present peace of mind.  But does it really bring peace to put things to the side? Can you really forget about what you push to the back of your mind?  I’m going to guess most of us will agree that’s just not the case.

But before we get into the actual how-to of stopping the procrastination (which, yes, I’ll be recommending that you stop), let’s dig into the reason why you procrastinate.  

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This will be more like a “how to” with wisdom sprinkled in.  I chose this topic to write about because I think there are some important things we need to go over to help you start your impossible journey.  Namely fear.  To make it simple, I’ll outline the steps and then we’ll go through each.  


  • Brainstorm an impossible goal you’d like to go for.
  • Visualize the one you’re considering.
  • Come up with reasons why it’s impossible for you.
  • Ask yourself what you’re losing out on by not going for this impossible goal.
  • Take all this previous information and decide if you will accept the challenge of going for the impossible.

See? Simple!

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